Glitz Up Your GitHub

How to Personalize Your GitHub Profile Page

Chaya Greisman
3 min readOct 14, 2020

I very recently discovered a pretty great GitHub easter egg that completely changes up the GitHub profile game. In the words of the GitHub Docs:

“If you add a README file to the root of a public repository with the same name as your username, that README will automatically appear on your profile page”

Yes, you heard it. Just follow these steps.

Create a new GitHub repository

Yeah, press that green button

Give the repo the same exact name as your username

😸 Yay! A secret!

Make sure it’s public, initialize it with a README, hit ‘Create repository’

Public ✓, README ✓, Green Button ✓

OKAY. Now it’s time to edit that README.

Here’s the part where you can: ❶ Feel free to stop reading and do whatever you want to your new blank profile… OR ❷ Stick around for some neat things you can put on that profile.

Some neat things you can put on your README profile:

◆ Basic About Info

Include some information about yourself and things you’re currently working on.

◆ Your GitHub Stats

[![YOUR NAME's github stats](](
This is the default stats card

These can be changed up as well with different URL parameters.

For example, you can choose to show icons, or change the color theme:

[![YOUR NAME's github stats](](
Stats card with icons, and the Gotham theme.

There are many ways to customize your GitHub Stats card — check out this guide on GitHub by anuraghazra.

◆ Your socials, or platforms where people can connect with you

### Let’s Connect:[<img align=”left” alt=”” width=”22px” src=”" />]([<img align=”left” alt=”Your Name LinkedIn” width=”22px” src=”" />]([<img align=”left” alt=”Your Name Medium” width=”22px” src=”" />]([<img align=”left” alt=”Your Name YouTube” width=”22px” src=”" />](

Or for a different style:

### Let’s Connect:[<img align=”left” alt=”Your Name LinkedIn” src=”" />]([<img align=”left” alt=”Your Name Medium” src=”" />]([<img align=”left” alt=”Your Name YouTube” src=”" />](

*Find more badges here.

◆ More Pins!

No more 6 pin limit- pin as many repos as you wish!

## Pinned:[![ReadMe Card](](
Default Pin

You can customize pins as well (using mostly the same URL parameters as the stats card):

## Pinned:[![ReadMe Card](](
Pin with Gotham theme

These are just a few ways to personalize your GitHub profile.

If you’d like to check out some more, here are some helpful resources:

